Sunday, November 18, 2007

Flicker & Third Party Sites are fun! Week 3 covered

This week I played on the FD Toys website and made a mag cover - now all my christmas pressies will be covered! I'll continue to play around with these sites - so easy to be creative! I also looked at some other sites for making Libraian cards but I have a drawer full of the real thing I can't give away so didn't think its worth it!

Monday, October 22, 2007


WhereTheWildThingsAre, originally uploaded by dekew.

WEEK 5 Flicker

My Blog name SeeyouwheretheWildthingsare is a reference to one of my favourite children's books Maurice Sendak's Where The wild things are. The illustrations in this book are just wonderful and bring memories of the thrill of reading slightly scary books as a little child and loving it! It is also a reference to seeing you at the public library traditional not a place for "wild things" but I really think this streotype needs to be broken. As long as I've worked in one I have come across all walks of life in both the public and the staff and it certainly isn't a boring place to be.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

As we enter a new world..Where the Wild things are


Now I warn you from the outset that you may regret starting to read this my first ever blog. The fact is I have never been and probably never will be a writer.

I find it all a bit too much effort. I've never kept a diary (expect for the first two weeks of a 6 month backpacking trip..I wonder what I did during those 5 and 3/4 months of my life I didn't record??); or a journal full of my meanering thoughts and bad doodles; and I even hated the effort it took to write to my grade three penpal. I even find it a pain having to find a pen that works and scrap of paper that I don't need to jot down the shopping list.

And its not that I'm a technaphobe either as I have been using the web for a long time and have recently started to read a few blogs regularly. Its just I have to now go to the trouble of thinking "what the hell am I going to write!"

Having said that I'm a lazy bugger so it will probably do me good to sit down and do this. You've been warned though!!